Abad Specialized Clinics
Tel. 201 6655 - 201 6677
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Tel. 404 3454 - 402 1543
Abad Pharmacy
Tel. 201 6611

Orthodontics (Teeth Correction)

Importance of Orthodontic Treatment

Every parent wants his or her child to have a beautiful smile - and every adult and child should have a healthy smile with properly functioning teeth. Our goal is to achieve both for the patient. Untreated orthodontic problems may contribute to tooth decay, gum disease, bone destruction, jaw joint problems and loss of teeth. In addition, uncorrected problems can adversely affect one's speech, general health and self-esteem. Self-confidence almost always increases when a smile is improved. We believe that a successful orthodontic treatment can help improve chances for success in all areas of life.

Treatment for adults

Braces aren't just for kids anymore. Tooth alignment can be changed at any age if your gums and bone structure are healthy. We offer a variety of treatments that are designed for different age groups - including adults. A new smile can begin today.

Duration of Treatment

Treatment time depends on the growth of the patient's mouth and face and the severity of the problem. Patients grow at different rates and will respond variously to orthodontic treatment, so the time to case completion may differ for each individual orthodontic patient.

What are the advantages of early treatment?

Some of the most direct results of interceptive treatment are:
Creating room for crowded, erupting teeth Creating facial symmetry through influencing jaw growth
Reducing the risk of trauma to protruding front teeth Preserving space for un erupted teeth
Reducing the need for tooth removal Reducing treatment time with braces


It is our desire to obtain the best possible result from the orthodontic treatment of our patients. To achieve this, it is essential that a co operative relationship exist between the orthodontist and the patient. We will do our very best to obtain the desired result in the minimum amount of time. You have a large responsibility in helping us achieve this goal.

During the initial examination, we will be able to determine the best possible treatment for your individual needs. During this initial examination, we can outline the treatment plan, time of treatment expected and the approximate cost.

Services Offered:

Fixed braces: : These are used to correct mal aligned or crooked teeth. Braces are also used to correct forward placed or protruding teeth.

Ceramic / tooth colored braces: These are a type of fixed braces made of materials which match the color of the teeth making the braces less visible.

Removable Appliances: Certain mild orthodontic problems can be corrected by appliances which are not permanently fixed to the teeth and the patient is free to remove them.

Retainers: These are removable appliances worn after a course of orthodontic treatment is over to prevent relapse of treatment.

Habit breaking appliances: For thumb sucking, mouth breathing and nail biting.

Correction of abnormal jaw : Abnormal growth of either the upper or the lower jaw can be corrected if detected early.

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