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General Dentistry

Most people know that seeing the dentist is an important part of creating a winning smile. But not everyone realizes that seeing a dentist is also a part of overall health.

Taking care of your oral needs is as vital to your overall health as seeing your family’s physician. While general dentistry includes regular checkups, cleaning teeth and filling cavities, dental exams involve all aspects of dental health, not just simple procedures and cleanings. Seeing your dentist regularly can improve the chances of catching gum disease or cancer in the early stages, when they are much easier to treat.

During an exam, the dentist will x-ray your teeth and jaw to look for cavities and infection, and also will look at facial and joint muscles. The dentist will check for properly working joints, your bite and the relation of your upper jaw to your lower jaw. The dentist will also examine your gums for swelling, discoloration or infection. Also will look at your teeth’s condition, your past dental work and check for excessive wear, loose fillings or other abnormalities. In addition, a dentist can spot the early signs of oral cancer by looking at your lips, gums, inside your checks or the roof of your mouth.

The Importance of General Dentistry

Lower costs

Dentists are able to spot dental problems and correct them before they get out of hand. At an earlier stage, dental problems are much more affordable to fix. Those who have dental insurance often have their checkups covered, leaving no reason for skipping a dentist visit.

Identify health problems early on

But besides having a great smile, a dentist visit is necessary to spot oral health problems that can become more severe down the road. Dentists who identify gum disease can prescribe treatments for the infection. These treatments, combined with better oral care at home, can help cure the disease. Gum disease is a very serious condition because it can lead to more serious disorders, such as stroke, diabetes and heart disease.

Severe gum disease can increase blood sugar levels, increasing the risk of developing diabetes. Those with diabetes are also more likely to get gum disease because they are more vulnerable to infections. No one knows for sure why gum disease increases the risk of a heart attack or stroke, but some theories include the idea that bacteria attaches itself to fatty plaques in the coronary arteries.

Spot cancer early

Dentists are also able to look for signs of oral cancer and cavities when they perform a regular checkup. Oral cancer that is identified early has a cure rate of 90%, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The cancer can be removed through surgery before it can spread to the throat or neck.

When to see a dentist?

People shouldn’t only visit a dentist for their regularly scheduled checkup. They should also schedule a visit when their teeth are very sensitive, when their gums are puffy or bleed, when they have difficulty chewing or swallowing, when the mouth is frequently dry, when the jaw clicks or when chewing is painful.

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